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Guildhall Account Paper 298x203mm 16 Cash Column 24 Sheets (Pack 10) 39/16Z Key Features 95gsm ledger quality paper Ruled fly folded sheets in shrinkwrapped packs of 24 sheets 16 cash columns Your Price: £ 79.38 (£ 95.26 inc. VAT) Currently 1 item left in stock
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 65916EX
MPN Code: 39/16Z
Exacompta Guildhall Accountancy Paper is 298 x 203 mm in size. Accountancy paper is made from 95 gsm ledger quality paper. Paper is ruled fly folded sheets. Paper has 16 cash columns.
General Type Colour Size Form Rulings Pre-Drilled Grammage Pages Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Recyclable Biodegradable Country of Origin