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ValueX Air Spray Duster Invertible 200ml - HFC200UT Key Features Key Points: Can be used at any angle, Extension straw allows access to hard to reach areas, Flammable Suitable for: Keyboards, Printers, Photocopiers, Fax Machines, Cameras, Delicate Electronic Equipment (if powered down before use) Your Price: £ 2.33 (£ 2.80 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 4.29 SAVE: £1.96
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 65948AF
MPN Code: HFC200UT
An economy invertible flammable sprayduster, ideal for cleaning dust and dirt from inaccessible or hard to reach areas. Can be used at any angle. Not to be used near heat and live equipment must be powered down before cleaning. Use only as directed.