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Guildhall GLX Ergogrip Ring Binder Polypropylene 8 Prongs Making 4 x 55mm Rings A4 Lilac (Pack 2) - 4544Z Key Features Extra wide covers to take A4 size punched pockets and extra wide dividers 4 ring / 8 cross over prongs 55 mm spine Holds up to 400 sheets User friendly grips make it simple to remove from even a full shelf Moistiure and dirt resistant Covers and mechanism are riveted to spine for strength Unique locking mechanism, easy to open, easy to turn and easy to add Your Price: £ 23.35 (£ 28.02 inc. VAT) Currently 4 items left in stock
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Order Code: 66112EX
MPN Code: 4544Z
Suitable for filing A4 documents, this extra heavy duty Guildhall GL Ergogrip ring binder features a wide 4 ring mechanism and 55mm spine with double recesses for easy handling. Designed for frequent use, the binder features durable polypropylene covers and can hold up to 400 sheets of A4 80gsm paper. Ideal for colour coordinated filing.
General Type Colour Size Material Spine Width Number Of Rings Ring Type File Colour Orientation Dimensions Weight Warranty Country of Origin