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Bi-Office Earth-It Recycled Flipchart Pad Self Stick A1 30 Sheets - FL1217507 Key Features Contains over 95% post consumer recycled content 100% recycled paper Easy to apply to most surfaces 30 sheets of plain 80gr/m2 paper Removable without marks Sturdy backcard with built-in carry-on handle and marker tray Your Price: £ 47.86 (£ 57.43 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 69070BS
MPN Code: FL1217507
When working on an important presentation or training course, it is important to have all of the necessary materials on hand. This two pack of Earth flipchart pads from Bi-Office will cover all of your paper needs for any display. Each A1 pad had a total of 30 sheets of 100% recycled paper, so you should have more than plenty of sheets for all of your notetaking needs.
General Type Colour Size Plain Or Gridded Pages Grammage Fixing Weight Eco-Aware Recycled Product Warranty