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Exacompta Thermal Credit Card Roll BPA Free 1 Ply 55gsm 57x30x12mm 9m White (Pack 20) - 40642E Key Features Paper guaranteed without Bisphenol No printing on the back Over pack in resealable cardboard box for better protection against light and moisture. The coils are thus preserved in better conditions before use Highly sensitive paper ensures good printability End of roll warning 6 boxes of 20 rolls (2 sets of 10 rolls) Your Price: £ 6.80 (£ 8.16 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 69336EX
MPN Code: 40642E
Paper guaranteed without Bisphenol A. No printing on the back. Overpack in resealable cardboard box for better protection against light and moisture. The coils are thus preserved in better conditions before use. Highly sensitive paper ensures good printability. End of roll warning. French made.
General Type Colour Roll Type Roll Size Part Core Diameter Grammage Length Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Environment Support Recyclable Biodegradable Country of Origin