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Exacompta Store Box Maxi 6 Drawer Set Open Black/Harlequin - 306798D Key Features Individual box with 3 drawers for A4+ documents and 3 drawers for storing office essentials such as pens, paper clips, elastic bands etc. Landscpae format making it ideal for narrow areas of offices, open spaces, cabinets or shelves (overall depth 27mm) Ideal for filing landscape documents Stackable Open drawers allow documents to be stored without opening the drawers Smooth drawer action with safety stop and label holders Supplied with a set of labels printed Monday to Sunday Your Price: £ 51.23 (£ 61.48 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 76.22 SAVE: £24.99
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Order Code: 69945EX
MPN Code: 306798D
Drawer set with 6 drawers, 3 drawers for storage of A4+ documents and 3 narrow but tall drawers for office stuff. Landscape format : fits perfectly on shallow cupboard or desktops (external depth 27cm).
General Type Colour Size Material Number Of Drawers Paper Size Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Recycled Product Environment Support Warranty Country of Origin