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Dahle 70103 A3 Laminator with 2 Heated silicone Rollers Key Features Reliable lamination for permanent protection from dirt and moisture Two heated silicone rollers Heating time 3-5 minutes Cold laminating possible 2 x 125 micron thickness Laminating speed 250 mm/minute Maximum thickness of item being laminated 0.5mm Anti-lock system to safely remove laminated sheets Your Price: £ 54.27 (£ 65.12 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 60.55
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Order Code: 34109J
MPN Code: 70103-17233
Always clean, always safe, Dahle laminators can reliably protect your important documents from moisture, dirt and other signs of wear. Seal your documents quickly & neatly thanks to their short heating times and two level temperature settings, with a sophisticated design suitable for any work space. Whether for occasional, regular or frequent use, find your matching Dahle laminator today