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Rexel Expanding Multi Punched Pocket Polypropylene A4 170 Micron Top Opening Clear (Pack 5) 2104223 Key Features Complete protection for bulky documents Top open with an expanding gusset that can hold up to 250 sheets Thumbhole for easy access to documents Multi-punched spine for flexible filing Designed to withstand rough wear and tear Your Price: £ 11.04 (£ 13.25 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 12.08
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 72066AC
MPN Code: 2104223
These super premium quality expanding A4 punched pockets provide long term protection for bulky documents and catalogues. With an expanding 20mm fold, each pocket can hold up to 200 sheets of paper and feature a thumbhole to easily access the documents as well as a multi-punched spine for flexible filing. Made from heavy-duty plastic to withstand wear and tear. Clear glass finish for extra clarity. Pack of 5.
General Type Colour Size Material Holes Opening Thickness Orientation Gusset Capacity