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3M Command Adhesive Hook Medium Oval White (Pack 2) 17081 - 7100117769 Key Features Organise your space without damaging your walls, no need for tools, nails or screws Holds strongly on a variety of surfaces including wood, tile, metal and painted surfaces Strips remove quickly and cleanly without leaving holes, marks or sticky residue See on pack usage instructions. Wait one hour before hanging. Not suitable for use on wallpaper. Each hook holds up to 1kg Packed 2 Your Price: £ 2.90 (£ 3.48 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 38417MM
MPN Code: 17081
3M Command Medium Designer Hooks. Self adhesive hooks will adhere to ceramic tiles painted and varnished wood metals and plastic. Can be used for hanging coats bags and calendars. Accepts up to 1.35kg in weight.
General Type Colour Size Form Adhesive Type Maximum Load