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Paper Mate S0189423 Mechanical Pencil 0.7mm HB 2 Yellow Barrel Box of 12 Key Features Box of 12 mechanical pencil features shock-absorbing tip for low lead breakage twistable tip eliminates the need to stop and sharpen Dark #2 lead creates smooth consistent marks eraser makes corrections easy Your Price: £ 5.65 (£ 6.78 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 11.65 SAVE: £6
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 28142J, 75674NR
MPN Code: S0189423
Forget about broken leads and stay focused on your thoughts with the shock-absorbing tip of Paper Mate Non-Stop Mechanical Pencils. With an innovative tip that lowers lead breakage and a smooth twist-to-advance design, it's the mechanical pencil you can trust for your most important writing. Paper Mate mechanical pencils keep your message on point.
0.7mm HB2 lead.
Yellow barrel box of 12.