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Bi-Office Portable Tripod Projection Screen 1250x1250mm Black Border Black Housing - 9D006028 Key Features Durable steel case complete with carry handle Matte-white surface with flame retardant/mildew resistant cloth Set up in seconds with this simple, unfolding mechanism Overhead projector? Adjust the board angle with ease Ideal for all common front projectors Your Price: £ 108.23 (£ 129.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 115.12
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Order Code: 73109BS
MPN Code: 9D006028
The Bi-Office Tripod Projection Screen is a portable projection screen to take to wherever required. Making this an excellent companion for professionals on the move. This projection screen easily unfolds from a carry case to professional projector screen, and is ready to use, in seconds. The cloth is matte white to prevent reflection, mildew resistant, and flame retardant.
General Type Screen Size Base Keystone Elimination Bracket Dimensions Weight Warranty