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ValueX Self Adhesive Label Holder and Insert Polypropylene 35x102mm (Pack 12) - 10325 Key Features Designed to help you deal with the ever-changing content of files, ring binders, catalogues and filing trays Each label holder comes with replaceable paper inserts that you can write or type on Includes finger hole to make it easy to insert or remove each insert Self adhesive 35x102mm label holders Pack of 12 Your Price: £ 3.21 (£ 3.85 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 74120PL
MPN Code: 10325
3L Label Holders provide a convenient solution for identifying documents, files or any storage facilities. Multipurpose self adhesive label holders can be used on shelving, binders, racking etc
General Type Colour Size Material Form With Flap Pocket Colour Dimensions