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Nobo In/Out Board 20 Names Grey 470x430mm 35538093 Key Features Simple sliding mechanism to indicate staff whereabouts Supplied with perforated card inserts to write or print names on Supplied with wall fixings Spare pack of inserts available separately for staff changes (35538094) Takes up to 20 names (470x430mm) Your Price: £ 193.89 (£ 232.67 inc. VAT) Currently 3 items left in stock
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Order Code: 25386AC
MPN Code: 35538093
See at a glance who is in or out with a Nobo Grey In/Out board. This Nobo In/Out board uses a simple yet effective sliding mechanism to show a tick or cross against a name, to indicate who is in, and who is out. Use the perforated card inserts supplied to write or print names on; these inserts can easily be removed for amending and updating. Spare packs of insert cards are available when replacements are required.
General Type Colour Number Of Names Dimensions