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Avery Self-Adhesive Name Badge 80x50mm White/Blue (Pack 200) L4787-20 Key Features Available in white with blue border Made from acetate silk, which gives labels a material-like look and feel Sticks securely and removes easily without leaving any residue Separate each badge with the backing sheet attached to hand out or display for self-service use Print your labels with FREE Avery Design & Print online label creator. Visit Your Price: £ 26.11 (£ 31.33 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 44776AV
MPN Code: L4787-20
Check out our range of self-adhesive clothing labels for a convenient way to create printed or handwritten name badges, ideal for visitors, seminars, meetings, parties and events. Just print using your laser printer and stick straight onto your visitors’ clothing. These stick securely to most fabrics and remove easily without damaging clothes. Available in white with a blue border, badge size of 80 x 50mm in acetate silk. Unique perforations make it possible to separate badges without removing them from their protective backsheet. Each badge can be handed out or displayed for self-service use.
General Type Colour Form Attachment Badge Size Self-Laminating Badges Per Sheet Dimensions Weight Country of Origin