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Avery 32-291 8 mm Round Assorted Colour Stickers Key Features 8mm diameter pack of 560 dot stickers (8 sheets of 70 dots) assorted colours Hand-write on the label Fast application & cost-saving organising Ideal for rewards charts packaging and more Reliable adhesion Your Price: £ 0.78 (£ 0.94 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1.42 SAVE: £0.64
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 35295J, 43306AV
MPN Code: 32-291
Avery dot stickers are great for colour-coding your calendars with holiday information. Use different coloured dot stickers for different staff members. Also perfect for colour coding and reward charts.
These assorted coloured dots are 8mm in diameter and come in packs of 560 dots.