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Durable Umbrella Stand 28.5 Litre Capacity Perforated Stainless Steel for Airflow & Drying Silver - 335023 Key Features High quality umbrella stand with stylish decorative perforated rim The umbrella stand is made from sturdy stainless steel Ideal for entrance areas, at home, offices and stores Your Price: £ 48.38 (£ 58.06 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11874DR
MPN Code: 335023
The Durable umbrella stand is made out of steel and epoxy enamel ensuring ultra hard finish and durability. Ideal for entrance areas, at home, offices and stores, the 260mm diameter and 28.5 litre capacity has space for multiple umbrellas. The perforated finish around the metal stand is not only decorative but allows additional airflow for drying brolly's. Dimensions (H x Diameter): 620 x 260 mm.
General Type Coat Racks & Umbrella Stands
Colour Material Form Dimensions