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Avery 5-Tier Steel Letter Tray Rack A4/Foolscap Landscape Black - 605SBLK Key Features 380 x 335.0 x 230 mm Designed to be tough and durable Designed to be tough and durable. 5 tier stacking trays. Strong steel trays for extra durabilty Strong steel trays for extra durability Your Price: £ 45.44 (£ 54.53 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 45007AV
MPN Code: 605SBLK
Do you receive a lot of mail? If you work in an office where mail is sent to lots of different people you will need to sort the mail for each recipient. If it’s put on people’s desk it may not be seen or get put to one side. There is a system that means all the mail is kept in one place and a letter rack or letter tray is the ideal solution. This 5-tier steel, letter rack is durable so it won’t get damaged by daily use. You can store mail for either five people or perhaps five departments if you work in a larger organisation.
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