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Bi-Office Blue Bells Pearl Noticeboard Aluminium Frame 600x450mm - FB04130608 Key Features Lively design, elegant and beautiful. Blue fabric and frame Easy to fix, simple to use. Fixes easily to walls Size: 600x450mm. Wall fastening kit and push pins included Colour: Blue Frames photos and holds messages Your Price: £ 46.04 (£ 55.25 inc. VAT) Currently 2 items left in stock
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 45459BS
MPN Code: FB04130608
Bi-Office Blue Bells Notice Board, with a blue fabric surface, is the perfect solution to categorise the messages or match with the surrounding space. Post messages with any type of pushpins at the office, meeting rooms, corridors, laboratories, open spaces, lobbies, and many more. In fact most spaces where notes, notices, images, photos, adverts, list and other information has to be posted for display. The product comes with wall fastening kit and can be mounted vertically or horizontally.
General Type Colour Size Fixing Frame Dimensions