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Trodat 46019 Replacement Stamp Pad Fits Printy 46019/46119 Red (Pack 2) - 14639 Key Features Replacement pads for the Trodat Printy 46019 and 46119 Extend the use of your stamp No toxic substances, no acid, no formaldehyde, and no heavy metals Absorbs surrounding humidity to stay moist Optimal grip for easy replacement Your Price: £ 4.00 (£ 4.80 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 10617TD
MPN Code: 14639
Extend the use of your stamp by replacing your old ink pads with these fresh ones. Designed to fit the Printy 46019 and 46119, the pad will effortlessly fit into your self-inking stamp to continue the longevity of your impression. Environmentally conscious, the ink is water based so features no toxic substance, acid, formaldehyde or heavy metals. Colours available include black, red, blue, green and violet.
General Type Colour Form For Use With Trodat Printy 46019 and 46119