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Swordfish 800XC Cross Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 8 sheet capacity * 4 x 45mm cross cut 225mm throat width 2.2m/min speed 110 sheet capacity mesh bin built-in handle for easy lifting head Your Price: £ 59.90 (£ 71.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 145.95 SAVE: £86.05
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Order Code: 25152J, 742403
MPN Code: 40230
The Swordfish 800XC in black, is a very fast light-duty shredder with a cutting speed of 2.2m a minute and an 8 sheet capacity to deal with your entire home paper shredding. The stylish mesh bin means you can easily see when the bin needs emptying. To empty the bin simply use the built-in handles and lift off.
The Swordfish 800XC features auto/start stop and reverse functions and can shred a single piece of A4 paper into 370 cross-cut pieces.
2 minute duty cycle
Conforms to DIN level P-3
* Using 70gsm weight paper
Swordfish 800XC Cross Cut Shredder brochure