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Fellowes 8024602 Pro Laptop Workstation Key Features Pro-series laptop workstation nine angle height adjustment integrated 4 Port 2.0 USB hub in-line clips Your Price: £ 53.25 (£ 63.90 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 130.67 SAVE: £77.42
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 5 days*
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Order Code: 22209J, S10157308
MPN Code: 8024602
Raises your laptop screen to a comfortable viewing height and angle. Features intuitive nine angle height adjustment 85mm - 245mm. Includes integrated 4 Port 2.0 USB Hub. In-line clips hold documents in place. Stylish air vents aid hardware cooling. Sturdy and compact metal construction. Compact design folds almost flat.
5 year Warranty with Fellowes. Please contact 01302 836836