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Leitz IQ Autofeed Polybags for Shredders Pack of 20 Key Features 175 L capacity ideal for efficient and tidy disposal of your shredder waste Designed for Leitz IQ Autofeed Office Pro 600 Shredders simply place inside shredder bin and remove when full Clean and efficient waste disposal process Top grade polypropylene - extra strong making them suitable for large volumes of waste Convenient dispenser box Pack of 20 bags Your Price: £ 81.06 (£ 97.27 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 183.72 SAVE: £102.66
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 35367J
MPN Code: 80260000
Leitz IQ Autofeed shredder waste sacks ensure that your waste disposal process is as clean and as efficient as possible. They are manufactured from top grade polypropylene and are supplied in an easy dispenser box and can hold up to 175L of shredding.