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Kensington Advance Fit Full Size Wired Keyboard Black K72357UK Key Features Responsive premium laptop style scissor keys for precise control Full size keyboard with one-touch controls for increased productivity with instant access to email and all the standard media buttons Slim keyboard profile just 19mm high Wired 190cm USB cable for battery free reliability Reliable Plug & Play operation with USB connection Designed for everday use Angle the keyboard at 30 degrees for typing comfort with integrated tilt stands Professional matt black with high gloss finish Compatible with Windows® 8 Your Price: £ 43.90 (£ 52.68 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 44.68
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 84029AC
MPN Code: K72357UK
Bring sleek, contemporary styling to your desktop without sacrificing feel or productivity. The Kensington Advance Fitâ„¢ Slim Type Keyboard combines a stylish exterior with premium laptop-style keys for crisp and responsive feel. Dedicated media keys control volume, mute and sleep while the Internet key instantly launches your browser.
General Type Colour Form Wired/Wireless Connection Dimensions Weight Warranty Country of Origin