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Dahle Guillotine A4 - Cutting Length 340mm Blue 560 - D56021340 Key Features Practical recessed grips Ergonomically shaped handle Manual clamping for holding down the material being cut Two scale bars with mm scale for an exact 90 degree cut Ground upper blade made of hardened Solingen steel bolted to the solid steel blade holder Sturdy, solid-steel blade holder for optimum guidance of the screw-mounted upper blade Adjustable backstop for quickly finding the right format Your Price: £ 155.33 (£ 186.40 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 169.90
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Order Code: 84050PL
MPN Code: D56021340
Precision guillotine with transparent blade guard for cutting safety and unobstructed view of the item being cut. Compact, entry-level guillotine for hobby use. Sturdy solid metal table with rounded edges and non-slip rubber feet for firm standing. Helpful format lines on the base with mm division along the cutting edge make aligning the material to be cut even easier.
General Type Colour Size Cut Length