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Dahle Conference Tripod Flipchart Easel Magnetic 600x990mm Grey D00511895 Key Features Clamping bar holds pad in place Practical tray for whiteboard markers and accessories Sturdy tripod easel with three fixing screws for firm standing Infinitely variable height adjustment to optimum writing height (up to a total height of 180?cm) Two side extension bars to extend the presentation surface Your Price: £ 120.90 (£ 145.08 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 128.70
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Order Code: 84148PL
MPN Code: D00511895
Sturdy tripod flipchart easel with universal pad holder and side extension bars. White-coated, magnetic, metallic whiteboard for use with dry-wipe whiteboard markers, adjustable pins securely keeps all commonly used pads securely in place.
General Type Colour Size Drywipe Surface Magnetic Extension Arms For Pad Size With Castors Board Size Height Adjustable Weight