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Lotus Caramelised Biscuits (Pack 300) - 0401017 Key Features Delicious caramelised taste Individually wrapped No artificial colour or preservatives 0 grams trans fat per serving and 0 cholesterol Non-GMO ingredients No Nuts No animal by-products Your Price: £ 21.40 (£ 25.68 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 85439CP
MPN Code: 401017
Experience the unique flavour and crunchy texture of Lotus Biscoff cookies. Since 1932, Lotus Biscoff has been Europe’s favourite cookie with coffee. Delectably crunchy, with a unique taste and refined flavour, Lotus Biscoff is perfect for taking the timeout that you deserve. Enjoyed by themselves or complemented with a cup of coffee. The unique taste stems from the sugar’s caramelization during the baking process. A hint of cinnamon and other spices add that special something.