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Dahle Professional Office Clean Air Cross Cut Shredder P4 60 Litre 15-17 Sheet Grey D31413838 Key Features Oil and maintenance-free operation Convenient feed and reverse function for manual control Convenient automatic reversing function clears feed opening after feeding in too much paper Automatic shredding stop and optical signal in control panel when bin full Motor cuts out automatically when waste box is full or door is open Separate CD feed opening and waste box for reliable, environmentally friendly shredding Innovative MHP® (Matrix High Performance) cutters With automatic motor cut-out after 30 minutes without use Clearly designed, user-friendly control panel Electronic start-stop function controlled by integrated light barrier Extremely quiet operation for a particularly pleasant working atmosphere Widely opening doors for ease of emptying the waste bag Your Price: £ 917.51 (£ 1101.01 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 934.92
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Order Code: 86454PL
MPN Code: D31413838
Innovative document shredder with MHP Technology® for superb performance - without any oil whatsoever. The innovative Dahle CleanTEC® fine dust filter system trap hazardous fine dust where it is generated: for the good of your health. DAHLE CleanTEC® fine dust filters achieve a reduction of fine dust by 98% in the room air.
General Type Colour Cut Type Security Level Throat Capacity Particle Size Bin Capacity CD Shredding Also Shreds Auto Start/Stop Throat Width Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight Warranty Cutting Speed