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ValueX Cut Flush Folder A4 Grain Polypropylene Assorted (Pack 10) 56119E Key Features Made from 0.12mm grained polypropylene Top and side opening for easy insertion of documents The folder has a small cut out on the front cover to make it easier to open Bag of 10 Your Price: £ 2.03 (£ 2.44 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 3.80 SAVE: £1.77
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Order Code: 86507EX
MPN Code: 56119E
The Exacompta Cut Flush folders are made from 0.12mm grained polypropylene. A4 in size and can hold A4 documents. Top and side opening to insert documents. The folder has a small cut out on the front cover to make it easier to open.
General Type Colour Size Material Form File Colour Thickness Dimensions Weight Country of Origin