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Kensington 64325 Expert Mouse Wired Trackball Key Features DiamondEye optical tracking technology for premium cursor control and accuracy scroll Ring lets you scan up and down pages large 55mm ball is designed as a perfect sphere to provide exceptional precision detachable wrist rest wired 180cm USB cable PC and Mac compatible Your Price: £ 96.05 (£ 115.26 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 198.26 SAVE: £102.21
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 31728J, KEN64325
MPN Code: 64325
The Expert Mouse Wired Trackball is the ultimate productivity enhancer that makes working at the desk quicker, more accurate and extremely comfortable for your hand and wrist.
Featuring DiamondEye technology, the trackball uses optical tracking to precisely follow small flecks embedded in the large 55mm ball to provide smooth, accurate cursor control. The four buttons are customizable using our highly intuitive TrackballWorks™ software, while our award-winning Scroll Ring lets you quickly scan up and down web pages and large documents.
Kensington 64325 Expert Mouse Wired Trackball brochure