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Acer AOpen PV12a DLP 200 ANSI Lumens 854 x 480 Pixels WVGA Wireless Bluetooth Projector Key Features Resolution: FWVGA (854 x 480) Contrast ratio: 5,000:1 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (Native), 4:3 (Compatible) Throw Ratio: 1.3 (1778 mm@2000 mm) Brightness: 800 lm ANSI (Standard), 25 lm ANSI (ECO) Your Price: £ 254.09 (£ 304.91 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 320.00 SAVE: £65.91
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8AC10378134
MPN Code: MR.JV311.001
Cast movies, shows, or music from the palm of your hand with a PV12 LED wireless projector. With a built-in collapsible stand, a built-in 5 hours battery, and Bluetooth speaker, and variable refresh rate compatibility, you’ll get a highly portable and convenient projection experience across its up to 30,000 hour lifetime.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Brightness Native Resolution Built In Speakers Projection Distance Light Source Lamp Life Projection Screen Size Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight Warranty