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Acer Professional X1528Ki DLP 5200 ANSI Lumens 1920 x 1080 Pixels Full HD HDMI White Projector Key Features FHD resolution 5200 lumens brightness Acer BlueLightShield Acer LumiSense Acer ColorBoost3D Acer ColorSafe II Automatic Vertical Keystone Correction Wireless Projection Your Price: £ 597.58 (£ 717.10 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 642.82
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Order Code: 8AC10414693
MPN Code: MR.JW011.007
With 5,200 lumens of brightness and FHD (1920 X 1080) resolution, the Acer X1528Ki projector delivers bright and clear images even in well-lit rooms. It also features Acer LumiSenseâ„¢, ColorBoost3Dâ„¢, and ColorSafe II so that you can enjoy true-to-life colour.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Brightness Native Resolution Built In Speakers Projection Distance Projection Screen Size Weight