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APC UPS Network Management Card 3 Key Features Remote monitoring and control of an individual UPS by connecting it directly to the network. Ethernet Connection: 1Gbps (RJ-45 10/100/1000 Base-T) Advanced Security: password protection and automatic protocol disablement by default Local Configuration: Micro-USB based console Command line interface: Offers Telnet or SSH for remote management access Scheduling: Customize shut down and reboot of connected equipment and UPS Your Price: £ 314.60 (£ 377.52 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 375.68 SAVE: £61.08
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8APAP9640
MPN Code: AP9640
Identify and pinpoint problematic issues and trends through data and event logging with APC AP9640. Network Management Card 3 users to monitor and control their APC UPS systems via secure network browsers or external command line interfaces.