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APC Back-UPS Line-Interactive 0.5 kVA 300 W 3 AC Outlets Your Price: £ 65.87 (£ 79.04 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 76.47 SAVE: £10.6
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8APBX500MI
MPN Code: BX500MI
APC Back-UPS™ BX series are a quality range of products for price conscious customers, who wants a solution for, basic needs of power protection and backup for their devices at home and small offices which carry the brand promise of the largest UPS manufacturer in the world!
General Battery Type Brand Colour Cord Length Dimensions Manufacturer American Power Conversion
Nominal Input Voltage Output Connections Output Frequency (sync to mains) Output Power Capacity Transfer Time 6 ms typical : 10 ms maximum
Type Warranty 2 Year Repair or Replace Warranty