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Chief MSM1U Medium Fusion Micro-Adjustable Fixed Display Wall Mount for 32 to 65 Inch VESA Displays Key Features Integrated teardrop design Centerless shift Set screws keep the mount rigid, stable and secure ClickConnect Built-in cable stand Multiple installation options for various stud distances Exclusive nesting spacers can be stacked to achieve any depth Quick-store cords use magnets to easily store and access pull cords Improved cable management with new end caps Integrated security Ships with a custom hardware kit Easy open box with less waste to throw away Your Price: £ 101.76 (£ 122.11 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 115.50
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8CFMSM1U
Chief's upgraded fixed wall mounts are based on installer feedback and direct observations of installers in the field. Many new features join Fusion® favourites like Centerless shift, ControlZone levelling adjustment and ClickConnect Latching. New benefits included added stability, faster install, improved lateral shift, easier cable management and enhanced security. Installer-inspired, Fusion® fixed mounts solve top flat panel installation problems, offering flexible adjustments for large displays with a low-profile display mounting solution.
General Adjustable Brand Colour Dimensions Form Manufacturer Material Maximum Load Monitor/Notebook Size Mounting Option Number Of Screens/Laptops Type Warranty Weight