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D-Link Hi-Speed USB 2.0 7-Port Hub Key Features High speeds Compact size Fast charging ports Connect additional USB devices Plug-N-Play Backward compatible Your Price: £ 21.88 (£ 26.26 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 25.21 SAVE: £3.33
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Order Code: 8DLDUBH7B
MPN Code: DUB-H7/B
The D-Link® 7-Port USB 2.0 Hub (DUB-H7) provides seven additional USB 2.0 ports to your PC or Mac, allowing you to connect USB devices such as digital cameras, external hard drives, flash drives, and printers. With two USB fast charging ports, this hub supports battery charging function for your iPad, iPhone, tablet, or other power hungry mobile devices.
General Type Colour Number of Ports USB Speed Power For Use With Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight