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Eaton 5S 550i UPS Line-interactive 550VA 330W 4 x IEC C13 Outlets Key Features Ideal for protecting: Workstations Business Telephony Network devices Point-of-sale equipment Your Price: £ 115.39 (£ 138.47 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 129.23
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8EA10021967
MPN Code: 5S550IBS
The Eaton 5S UPS provides cost-effective line-interactive backup power and voltage regulation for small and medium businesses with workstations, desktop PCs, telephone equipment and POS applications. With its compact form factor, the 5S UPS can be utilized as a standalone tower or under a computer monitor.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Output Power Capacity Nominal Input Voltage Battery Type Output Frequency Dimensions Weight Warranty