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Eaton 5PX 3000i RT3U Gen2 UPS 3000W Key Features Increased standard runtime compared to the original 5PX UPS Enhanced surge protection Enhanced power density Energy Star 2.0 certified Your Price: £ 1495.28 (£ 1794.34 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1641.99
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Order Code: 8EA10352423
MPN Code: 5PX3000IRT3UG2BS
The new Eaton 5PX Gen2 UPS provides Enterprise Networks and Edge IT equipment with best-in-class line-interactive power protection maximizing IT space and Service Continuity. Eaton 5PX Gen 2 offers powerful tools to remotely monitor, integrate with IT architecture and remotely deploy / maintain large installed base of UPSs.
General Battery Type Brand Colour Dimensions Eco-Aware Environment Support Input Connections Input Frequency Manufacturer Nominal Input Voltage Output Power Capacity Type Weight