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Eaton 3S 700B UPS - Off Line Uninterruptible Power Supply Key Features Affordable and reliable offline UPS High end Surge protector Sleek and Space-Efficient design Perfect for Home or Office use Your Price: £ 94.20 (£ 113.04 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 103.99
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8EA10366545
MPN Code: 3S700B
The Eaton 3S Gen2 range offers affordable and reliable UPS for home and small business. This offline UPS provides surge and power protection for internet gateways, desktop computers, and other critical electronics.
General Battery Type Brand Colour Dimensions Input Connections Protective Contact (SCHUKO)
Input Cord Length Input Frequency Manufacturer Nominal Input Voltage Output Power Capacity Type Weight