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Epson WorkForce DS870 Scanner Key Features Fast and efficient scanning: 100-page ADF and 65ppm scanning speed Low intervention: Active Separation Roller system to prevent double feeding Optional flatbed scanner: Choose from the conversion kit, or link to DS-5500 (A4) or DS-50000 (A3) Auto Scan Mode: Quickly process physical documents in manageable amounts Optional Network Interface: Easy sharing between users with push scan and pre-defined job profiles Your Price: £ 454.20 (£ 545.04 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 830.54 SAVE: £376.34
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Order Code: 8EPB11B250401BY
MPN Code: B11B250401BY
High-speed scanning with easy-to-use advanced processing capabilities for effortless and efficient document management. Create a better business environment with the support of a global leader in document scanning. Where high-volume document scanning environments meet the need for document integrity, the WorkForce DS-870 offers class-leading performance with easy-to-use features that put you in control of your documents.
General Type Colour Design Connection Resolution Scan Size Sheet Feeder Duplex Film Scanning Duty Cycle Dimensions Weight