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LG 50UN640S 50 Inch 3840 x 2160 Pixels Ultra HD webOS HDMI USB LED Commercial Pro TV Key Features Brightness(Typ.) : 400 nits Resolution : ULTRA HD (3,840 x 2,160) Improved Design with Slim Depth webOS-based High Performance Easy Content Management / Group Management SuperSign Control+ (Free version) / CMS Compatibility Your Price: £ 511.35 (£ 613.62 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 576.21
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Order Code: 8LG50UN640S0LD
MPN Code: 50UN640S0LD.AEK
LG TV Signage with essential function and a resolution that is 4 times higher than FHD; it makes the colour and details of the contents more vivid and realistic.
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