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LG UR76 55 Inch 3840 x 2160 Pixels 4K Ultra HD HDR10 Pro HDMI USB Hospitality TV Key Features Real 4K Made by Pure Colours Nano Bezel Adds Sophisticated Ambiance Pro:Centric Hotel Management Solution More Innovative LG webOS 5.0 Software-enabled Access Point (Soft AP) Welcome Video / Screen Hotel Mode (Public Display Mode) USB Cloning IR Out Your Price: £ 527.78 (£ 633.34 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 539.36
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Order Code: 8LG55UR762H3
MPN Code: 55UR762H3
4K UHD Hospitality TV with NanoCell Display and Pro:Centric Direct UR762H with NanoCell Display features UHD resolution that creates vivid details and a virtually flawless picture. And it features Pro:Centric technologies for easy management, configuration and updates on guest room TVs via a centralized management system.
General Brand Built In Speakers Colour Dimensions HD-Ready Hospitality Features Manufacturer Resolution Size Smart TV Type VESA Compatible Weight