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NETGEAR AV Line 8-Port Managed Rackmount Gigabit PoE Plus Switch with 2 x 1GbE SFP Plus Ports Key Features 8x1G PoE+ with 220W PoE budget with 2x SFP 1G fibre uplinks Fanless/ silent mode possible Switching fabric: 24 Gbit/s 1U Rack mounting Dedicated AV web-based GUI interface for more specific AV installations Your Price: £ 890.95 (£ 1069.14 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 997.91
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8NE10376600
MPN Code: GSM4210PX-100EUS
The NETGEAR M4250 Switch Series introduces the AV Line, developed and engineered for audio/video professionals with dedicated service and support. M4250 has been built from the ground up for the growing AV over IP market, combining years of networking expertise in AV with M4300 and M4500 series with best practices from leading experts in the professional AV market. AV codecs generally use 1Gbps or 10Gbps per stream and the AV Line of M4250 targets the widespread 1Gbps codecs.
General Brand Data Rates Dimensions Manufacturer Number of Ports Type Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty
Weight Wired/Wireless