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Optoma HD146X DLP 3600 ANSI Lumens 3D 1080p Data Projector 1920 x 1080 Resolution HDMI USB A Audio 3.5mm Jack Ceiling or Floor Mounted Projector Black Key Features Lights on viewing – 3600 ANSI Lumens Easy connectivity – HDMI, USB Power Amazing colour - bright vivid colours Built in audio Your Price: £ 514.31 (£ 617.17 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 610.27 SAVE: £95.96
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Order Code: 8OPE1P0A3PBE1Z2
MPN Code: E1P0A3PBE1Z2
The Full HD 1080p HD146X projector is ideal for watching live sport, TV shows or movies any time of day. You can even connect your games console and play games on it with its low input latency. Convenient and easy to set up this bright and versatile projector also boasts Amazing colour technology delivering bright and vivid colours. You can take it round to a friend’s house with the optional carry bag for a sports event, movie night or games marathon for the best big screen experience anywhere with a flat surface.