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HP Poly APC-43 Electronic Hook Switch Adapter Cable for Desk Phones Key Features Allows remote answering Small, compact and discreet Silent reliable operation Your Price: £ 29.63 (£ 35.56 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 33.77 SAVE: £4.14
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8PO85Q55AA
MPN Code: 85Q55AA
This cable works with Cisco desk phones and may work with additional manufacturers, check with our Compatibility Guide for more information. Use this electronic hookswitch for remote call answering and call end. This permits the user to place or receive a call without the need to lift the handset. This control is entirely electronic and eliminates the need for a mechanical handset lifter device.
General Brand Colour Form Manufacturer Type Headset & Telephone Cables