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HP Poly CS540 Wireless Convertible 3 in 1 Headset Your Price: £ 169.54 (£ 203.45 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 191.53
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8PO8R706AAABB
MPN Code: 8R706AA#ABB
Everyone in the office could use more flexibility. Let them roam confidently up to 400 ft from the headset base. They’ll be able to collaborate simply since teams can conference up to four headsets on a single base. There’s more than one way to make a call — switch up styles to find your groove and introduce your ears to something new. The CS540 convertible design comes with three wearing options: over-the-ear, over-the-head, behind-the-head .