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HP Poly EncorePro HW720 Wired Quick Disconnect Noise-Cancelling Binaural Headset Key Features Luxurious comfort and distinctive design Exceptional audio Long-term reliability Your Price: £ 108.24 (£ 129.89 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 123.35 SAVE: £15.11
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Order Code: 8PO8R707AAABB
MPN Code: 8R707AA#ABB
Reward your top performers with our top-of-the-line Plantronics EncorePro 700 headset series, designed for customer service representatives. Its distinctive design is slim and stylish with an elegant satin finish. Its featherweight materials and leatherette ear pads ensure luxurious comfort, while its unique curved, telescoping microphone and pivoting boom deliver crystal-clear, private conversations. The EncorePro 700 Series – the thoroughbred of headsets.
General Brand Colour Form Function Manufacturer Microphone Noise Cancelling Stereo Style Type Warranty Weight Wired/Wireless