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Rapoo N2400 Wired USB Full-Size Black Keyboard Key Features Easy installation Anti-oxidation sealed membrane Spill-resistant design Laser carved keycaps Comfortable typing Your Price: £ 5.96 (£ 7.15 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 6.57
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8RA15785
MPN Code: 15785
The N2400 is the ideal entry-level keyboard: Quality components and fantastic build quality at a fair price. Thanks to its smart choice of materials this keyboard is protected against splash damage, so you can enjoy a refreshing beverage relatively risk-free while you work. The sealed membrane protects the internal circuits from oxidization damage, increasing the keyboard’s life. The keyboard is also incredibly easy to use: No drivers, installation or setup needed.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Wired/Wireless Connection Layout (Country or Language) Number of Keys Cable Length Dimensions Weight