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Rapoo 8100M RF Wireless + Bluetooth Full Size Keyboard and 1300 DPI Mouse Key Features Reliable multi-mode wireless connection: connect via Bluetooth 3.0, 4.0 and 2.4 GHz Connect to multiple devices Switch among connected devices in one click Multimedia hotkeys 1300 DPI optical mouse Ergonomic mouse design Up to 12 (keyboard) and 9 (mouse) months battery life Your Price: £ 16.66 (£ 19.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 16.72
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8RA18299
MPN Code: 18299
Aimed at improving the workflow of professionals, Rapoo's Multi-Mode Wireless technology ensures full compatibility and automatic pairing. Whether your device supports Bluetooth 3.0 or prior, Bluetooth 4.0 or beyond, or you wish to connect via the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi dongle you can be sure the 8100M set is compatible. Protected against accidental splash damage so you can focus on your work with peace of mind. The classic keyboard also features extra multimedia keys for further convenience and the mouse optical HD sensor resolution can be toggled between 600 and 1300 DPI at the press of a button.
General Manufacturer Weight 385g (Keyboard) / 55g (Mouse) 385g (Keyboard) / 55g (Mouse)
Dimensions 420x139x25mm (Keyboard) / 61x98x38mm (Mouse) 420x139x25mm (Keyboard) / 61x98x38mm (Mouse)
Mouse Tracking Power Supply 2x AA Batteries 2x AA Batteries
Connection Nano USB Receiver / Bluetooth Nano USB Receiver / Bluetooth
Wired/Wireless Form Keyboard & Mouse Set Keyboard & Mouse Set
Colour Brand Type Keyboard & Mouse Set Keyboard & Mouse Set