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SanDisk 32GB Ultra Dual USB and USBC Flash Drive Key Features Designed specifically for next-generation devices with the new USB Type-C port High-speed USB 3.1 performance of up to 150MB/s Dual USB Type-C and USB Type-A connectors Dual USB Type-C and USB Type-A connectors
SanDisk Memory Zone app for easy file management SanDisk Memory Zone app for easy file management
Your Price: £ 8.80 (£ 10.56 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SASDDDC2032GG46, 8SDDDC2032GG46
MPN Code: SDDDC2-032G-G46
Easily free up space on your smartphone or quickly transfer files between devices at USB 3.1 high speeds of up to 150MB/s. With a reversible USB Type-C™ connector and a traditional USB connector, the SanDisk Ultra® Dual Drive USB Type-C™ lets you quickly and easily transfer files between smartphones, tablets and computers. Plus the SanDisk® Memory Zone app for Android™ (available on Google Play™)3 helps you manage your device’s memory and your content. The SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive USB Type-C is the perfect liaison between your new USB Type-C device and your devices with traditional USB ports.
General Capacity Warranty 5 Year Limited Warranty 5 Year Limited Warranty
Type USB Memory Sticks USB Memory Sticks
Speed Rating Read Speed Up to 150MB/s Up to 150MB/s
Manufacturer Interface USB Type-C and USB 3.1 USB Type-C and USB 3.1
Dimensions Colour Black/Silver Black/Silver
Case Capless Slider USB Capless Slider USB