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SanDisk Extreme 32GB Class 10 U3 MicroSDHC Memory Card and Adapter Key Features Built for extreme conditions temperature proof, water proof, shock proof, and x-ray proof Delivers 4K Ultra HD and Full HD video recording and playback Meets the new UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) and UHS Video Speed Class 30 (V30) for 4K UHD Transfer faster with speeds up to 100MB/S Your Price: £ 8.15 (£ 9.78 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SASDSQXAF032GGN6AA, 8SD10183722
Extreme sports require extreme readiness. SanDisk Extreme microSDHC/microSDXC UHS-I cards deliver the speed, capacity, durability, and quality you need to make sure your adventure is captured in stunning detail, even if you blink on the way down. Now rated UHS Speed Class 3 (U3), this fast, high-performing card teams up with your action camera to let you capture and share unforgettable extreme sports video. Available in capacities up to 128GB.
General Capacity Write Speed Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty
Type Flash Memory Cards Flash Memory Cards
Speed Rating Read Speed Manufacturer Includes Adaptor Form Micro SDHC Cards Micro SDHC Cards
Dimensions Brand